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You can immediately get paid $75 for a Complimentary 3-day experience!  You have nothing to loseIt's FREE money!  Try it for FREE!  

This site is to educate those who don't know about the Ground Floor "Shared Scooter Rental" Opportunity!

A Brand New un-tapped industry that just launched in the United States in April 2024.  This is a "Golden Opportunity!"  Simply click a button on your cell phone daily to generate your minimum Guaranteed Income ($23,712.00) for 3 years!  Plus, if you share this guaranteed income opportunity with others you'll earn more, so much more!

Want to learn how Europe, South America and Hong Kong
invest their currency in Lighting Shared Scooter Co. Ltd.,
and make a Guaranteed steady return on investment?

A Growing Profit-Sharing Industry - LSSC will continue to add
many physical locations through-out the United States
which adds even more creditability to their guaranteed income opportunity!  

After countless documents signings and strict approvals from multiple departments. LSSC's scooters have officially entered the U.S. market and received full government recognitions.  The entire shipping and customs clearances process took three months, but it was all worth it.  This isn't just the arrival of a batch of scooters, it marks the beginning of more scooters appearing in everyone's sight in the near future.  

New Jersey Experience Store

517 White Horse Pike, Oaklyn, NJ 08107​


Kentucky Office

4125 S. Third St., Louisville, KY 40214


Mississippi Experience Store

207-H North Davis Ave., Cleveland, Mississippi 38732


Iowa Office

2323 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50312


Tennessee Experience Store

1201630 South Church St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130


California Office

83170 US Hwy 111, Indio, CA 92201

Currently, the scooters are deployed in these locations.  Next, we will distribute scooters to various offices and experience stores so that everyone can visit and experience our scooters.  In addition, let me tell you here, If you want to do LSSC as your main business, and your position is supervisor or above, we can invest in you, build an office or experience store for you, and help you build a better team.  Just contact your manager!


This steady guaranteed income is paid to you daily 5 days a week only (Monday thru Friday).

You won't have to manage, place, maintain or repair the shared scooters. 

This is a shared investment in the scooter rental industry, and all you have to do is turn them on for 4 hours daily (except Saturdays and Sundays)!  That's it!  This is how you get paid daily!

You will literally watch and control your guaranteed income returning back to you daily!

You will now see your guaranteed return on investment within 7 weeks, with continuous pure spendable profits thereafter!

Your guaranteed investment is for a 3 year period which you can increase at anytime for larger profits!  ALL BENEFITS ARE GUARANTEED!  

You can get $75 for a no obligation paid Free 3-day experience, plus you will be paid for the 5-day training.  Earn even more just by sharing this guaranteed income opportunity with others!


LSSC Leads a New Chapter in the Shared Scooter Industry, Gaining Attention with a Triple-Win Model... Read more click here.

Think Your Social Security is Safe? 
Think Again!... Read more click here.

Zoom Calls - You want more opinions?  Invite your family and friends to a live conference call - where you will get your questions and concerns answered!  New dates & times updated after each call.  Check back often. 
Download the Zoom App.                                                  
Meeting ID: 3907951828        Passcode:  gpem2f
Date:                                      Meeting Time: 

Invited by: Terry

$Shared Proof

FINALLY... A Real Profitable Work From Anywhere  Opportunity With Guaranteed Proof!

You'll receive a Guaranteed Daily Income along with your
Safe and Secured Investment for the next 3 years.
Let Me Show You My Guaranteed Income Below!

Day 1 - September 9, 2024 see the Current Gross Income 30.4 above, that's $30.40 per day guaranteed!  You simply turn the scooters on for 4 hours, which generates your guaranteed daily income.

Day 30 - October 18, 2024 see the Current Gross Income 912 above, that's $912.00 your guaranteed income after 30 days!  You simply turn the scooters on for 4 hours, which generates your guaranteed daily income. Checking back often you will see my initial investment back in my pocket, and my profits continue to grow daily!

After Day 35 - October 25, 2024 my Current Gross Income 1064 above, that's $1,064 your guaranteed income after 35 days! â€‹

All incomes hereafter are pure spendable profits for the next 3 years - for simply turning on my scooters 5 days per week!  

Day 12 - September 24, 2024 see the Current Gross Income 364.8 above, that's $364.80 your guaranteed income after 12 days!  Just for turning on the scooters for 4 hours per day.


Day 24 - October 10, 2024 see the Current Gross Income 729.6 above, that's $729.6 your guaranteed income after 24 days!  Just for turning on the scooters for 4 hours per day.

After receiving my B3 initial investment back ($960 for 8 scooters) with a profit, I just up-graded by paying the difference ($1,220) between my initial B3 investment above and now A1 ($2,180 for 15 scooters).   Day 1 - November 4, 2024 now see the Current Gross Income 67.8 above,  that's $67.50 per day guaranteed!  

Day 8 - November 14, 2024 my Current Gross Income 607.5 above, that's $607.50 your guaranteed income after just 8 days at the A1 level.  Remember, you are now being paid $67.50 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years again guaranteed!

Day 16 - November 26, 2024 my Current Gross Income 1080. above, that's $1,080.00 your guaranteed income after just 16 days at the A1 level.  $67.50 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years simply turning the scooters on for 4 hours daily! 

Stay Informed Come Back Often!

After receiving my initial ($2180.00) investment back in my pocket Dec. 20, 2024, I will now re-invested to A2 and increase my scooters from 15 to 35. That's $154.00 per day, $770.00 per 5 days, $40,040.00 per year and $120,120.00 for 3 years of Guaranteed Income!
Plus, when I introduce others the rewards are substantial!

Day 27 - December 11, 2024 my Current Gross Income 1755. above, that's $1,755.00 your guaranteed income after just 27 days at the A1 level.  $67.50 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years simply turning the scooters on for 4 hours daily! 

Day 35 - December 20, 2024 my Current Gross Income 2227.5. above, that's $2,225.50 your guaranteed income after just 70 days.  Now I'm re-investing to the A2 level, that's $154.00 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years for simply turning the scooters on for 4 hours daily!  

After receiving my A1 investment back ($2,180 for 15 scooters) with a profit, I just up-graded by paying the difference ($2,800) between my initial A1 investment above and now A2 ($4.980) for 35 scooters).  Day 1 - January 6, 2025 now see the Current Gross Income 154 above,  that's $154.00 per day guaranteed!  

​​    Will up-date February 21, 2025

Day 13 - January 22, 2025 my Current Gross Income 2002 above, that's $2,002.00 your guaranteed income after just 13 days at the A2 level.  Remember, you are now being paid $154.00 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years again guaranteed!

Day 22 - February 5th, 2025 my Current Gross Income 3542 above, that's $3,542.00 your guaranteed income after just 22 days at the A2 level.  Remember, you are now being paid $154.00 per day guaranteed for the next 3 years again guaranteed!

 LSSC is Legal & Registered​​

One more thing so there are no surprises... You will need to set-up a cryptocurrency exchange to fund the scooters, because LSSC accepts different currencies from all over the world.  There are a few companies that I have researched, and the one that comes highly recommended - is Kraken.  Kraken will pay anyone who can hack into their system, as long as you show them how you did it - so that they can lock it down like Fort Knox (Extremely Secured)!  (Transactions are usually 5-7 days)


Also, recommended is Cash App.  Cash App is a financial services platform, and not a bank.  You can use Cash App without fees - send, spend, and grow your money the way you want.  (Transactions are instant usually the same day)


These are a couple of cryptocurrency platforms that are being to fund the scooters, and withdraw your funds from sent from LSSC.  Withdrawals are allow Monday thru Friday only!  There is a 20% fee whenever you decide to withdraw your funds from LSSC.  Kraken and Cash App will (at your request) send your funds directly to your bank account! 

Be The Exception!

This is a zero-threshold, guaranteed low-risk opportunity!  Banks and financial institutions barely give you any type of return on your deposits.  After your 7th week with LSSC, your guaranteed (ROI) return on investment is now back in your pocket (see diagram above).  Your daily guaranteed income with LSSC will continue to grow daily over the next 3 years!  This opportunity is a no-brainer!  LSSC can lead you to the money, but can't make you receive it!  All you do is turn-on the scooters 4 hours per day, accept your guaranteed daily income and attend mandatory cell phone meetings on (Mondays) for updates & incentives!  After you complete the free training sessions you will be monetarily rewarded, plus if you share this guaranteed golden income opportunity with your family & friends you will be rewarded again.  Most importantly, LSSC and the LSSC family is dedicated to your success, and is here to help you every step of the way! 

Join Us (No Cost)
Free 3-Day Experience Pays You $75 with Absolutely No Obligations 
When You Use Your Invite Code on the Card or Flyer.
After you register above for Free with No Obligations and Join Our BonChat Channel

you'll get
Free access to the LSSC
channel were you will see
what members are saying and learn what they are
doing to grow their
Guaranteed Incomes!
Say hello to manager Kevin and tell him you are
ready to start your
free 3 day experience!
See More Pictures Below
Contact Us


If you are interested or have any questions or concerns please call Terrence at:










Telephone: 1-614-715-3900 ext. 192175#


Screenshot_20241012_205111_Messages (7).jpg
Come see and hear the many success stories of others growing their 
Guaranteed Daily Incomes with No Obligations!
LSSC Has Your Back Guaranteed!
Final Thoughts - Join US!

At first I was very skeptical but remained open minded when my friend shared this opportunity with me... I consider myself to be an entrepreneur in the mail order, direct mail and networking industries, and have seen a lot of opportunities over the last 35 years. 

The fact that LSSC has open physical locations with many more to come here in the United States of America, should be enough proof that this is a legitimate business opportunity with a guaranteed income opportunity for all!   

Quick question for you to think about...  Where is your income coming from when you retire?  Please don't just rely on social security - it's not going to be enough - just ask around!   LSSC provides everyone with a steady guaranteed income for simply sharing this opportunity with others!  

Living a debt free lifestyle my goal was always to be a sole (work from home) entrepreneur and to generate enough income to afford my desires to take cruises.  Not just any cruise, but mainly the smooth jazz cruises, which are very expensive!  February 2026 will be the smooth jazz cruise number 8, and the 15th cruise over all. 
I started my journey with LSSC on August 20, 2024.  After attending a LSSC meeting with my friend at a buffet restaurant, I immediately saw the opportunity and was ready to invest in 15 scooters ($2180.00).  But before I did that, I was told to introduce myself to the LSSC Leader (via the BonChat platform) on my cell phone who immediately started my LSSC free 3-day experience before I invested one dime.  After a few minor bumps in the road, I was able to get the help I needed and started out with 8 ($960.00) scooters on September 9th, 2024, and started my wife out with 8 ($960.00) scooters as well the very next week on September 16th 2024.       

Before spending one dime - we both were paid $75 for the free 3-day experience, and again for the LSSC mandatory 5-day paid training. We now have a better understanding of the rules, contracts and business model.  Participants rent management terminals and earn guaranteed income through equipment management.  This set-up is documented and not based on speculation or risky promises unlike typical scams.

On the menu above click ($Shared Proof) and watch as my guaranteed income continues to grow daily!  Although, I'm just getting started - check back often as I will be up-dating this guaranteed growing income progress each week.  My wife and I completed the 7th week and received back our ($960.00) ROI (return on investments).  We will each earn ($912.00 per 30 days) pure guaranteed profits thereafter for the next 3 years and can increase it at anytime, even when market conditions fluctuate!  Our guaranteed incomes will be consistent and protected!! 

Now, with both initial B3 $960.00 investments back in our bank account, it will be use to fund more scooters and no doubt the smooth jazz cruises. I just re-invested $1,220.00 to up-grade to A1 using the profits (paying only the difference) for 15 scooters November 2, 2024, and increased my guaranteed income to $2,025 per 30 days or $17,550.00 per year for the next 3 years GUARANTEED!  This is the guaranteed income opportunity you have been waiting for, you can't lose!  Come join us!

Just added... Now, with my A1 $2,180.00 investments back in my bank account, it will be use to fund even more scooters and no doubt the smooth jazz cruises!  I will re-invested again $2,542
.50 using the profits (paying only the difference) for 35 scooters, and increased my guaranteed income to $4,620.00 per 30 days, that's $40,040.00 per year for the next 3 years! Remember, none of the re-investment funds are coming out of my pocket!  These are funds earned from LSSC for turning on my scooters daily, plus sharing this opportunity with others!   

LSSC is a well-managed transparent operation with a strong community of members that communicates through an official channel like BonChat.  LSSC actively provides updates, training and support.

You will have the option to renew your lease or become a formal partner after three years.  This level of long-term commitment is something scam operations typically don't offer.

LSSC has a Personal Rating System which rewards active and engaged participants with better profit margins and tangible rewards.  

Scams do exist.  However, LSSC operates with transparency.  All financial matters are handled officially, never through private messages and you are regularly warned to avoid scammers.

Financially, the sky is the limited with LSSC!  LSSC is looking for anyone who will share this guaranteed income opportunity with others (family & friends) and who also want to receive many financial incentives and bonuses!  My question to you is - would you invest the minimum $960.00 (one-time) for a return of $912.00 in 30 business days for the next 3 years GUARANTEED?  That's $23,712.00 minimum for an investment that you can increase at anytime, plus it's 100% money back guaranteed at anytime you are not completely satisfied! 

That's why I call this Guaranteed Income Opportunity a No-Brainer!  You can't lose!  Come Join the LSSC family!  Please let us know if you have ANY questions or concerns! 

P.S.  All of the above LSSC pictures of people gathering in restaurants, diners and mostly buffets, was all paid for by LSSC! 

P.P.S.  Also, congratulations to my sons Craig and Matthew who also came in at the B3 ($960) position with LSSC.     
P.P.P.S.  What a golden guaranteed income opportunity!  You can see more of what a few LSSC members are earning click here.

 All rights reserved.  (c) copyrighted 2025  The Publishing Co.

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